Hampton High School
Hampton High School in Hampton, GA located 30 minutes south of Atlanta, GA is looking for Head Coaches for all positions listed below. We are searching for Head Coaching and Aspiring Head Coaching candidates who are passionate both athletically and academically about their work and committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical practice. This is a year-round commitment with the expectation that the ideal candidate will participate in off-season programs and attend professional development camps and clinics to continue to further their coaching knowledge. We are looking for Head Coaching candidates who are in constant pursuit of athletic success and willing to work relentlessly for athletic scholarship opportunities for their program while providing equitable opportunities for personal and athletic growth. Consequently, promoting a culture of citizenship, sportsmanship, and service, instills a sense of pride and loyalty on our campus and in our community.
At present Hampton High School has some teaching opportunities available; Candidates must be fully certified teachers or enrollment in an accredited teaching certification program. If interested, please complete a Henry County Schools employment application at https://www.applitrack.com/henry/onlineapp/and send a resume to the Director of Athletics at brian.gwyn@henry.k12.ga.us’
Varsity Head Coach Vacancies – Girls Lacrosse, Gymnastics